ArtsVoice is a dedicated digital platform for local Arts individuals to publish articles that aim to raise the public profile of Art and the Arts in and local to Banbury.
ArtsVoice welcome features which might make a case for a particular discipline or theatre arts locally, with specific examples relevant to the individual writer's discipline or organisation. Articles can be thought provoking, speculative, political, examine the changing state, and draw attention to new technological developments that change the face of the Arts. The overall aim is to raise awareness of all the advantages this sector brings locally.
Contributors are invited to submit work between 600 -1000 words with relevant high resolution photographic images for publication on this site.
We look forward to hearing from contributors via our contact page >.
We are delighted to share thoughts from creative professionals within and local to Banbury below:
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Virtual Art Exhibitions Vs Real Life Visits: The Changing Face Of Art Shows >
Barry Whitehouse - The Artery
The Power of Youth Theatre: Opportunities: New Horizons Beyond COVID 19 >
Tristan Jackson Pate - Artistic Director Cherwell Theatre Company